I’ve done some amazing riding but this day over the Ozarks from Missouri into Arkansas ranks up there with some of the best.
We hit every back road we could from the start of the day down Route 37 for about 20 miles until we reached the town of Cassville.

Typical scenery on the Missouri border
Then the road became a spectacular mountain road that went through a forest of leafless trees that was perfect riding – bend after bend after bend.
The road seemed to go on and on with the views getting better and better. We were in the Ozarks, a very highly regarded road for guys and gals on motorbikes.

Sweeping bends of the Ozarks
We got into the tiny town of Eagle Rock at about 11am and fueled up with petrol and food at ‘Uncle Roy’s’ General Store.
We had a chat with the friendly owners and enjoyed a cheeseburger each. Now, the cheeseburgers come with chips. Which in the US means a packet of crisps. Not entirely sure why they provide crisps with hot food.
Out of Eagle Rock and headed to Eureka Springs 11 miles away, which is most popular tourist destinations in Arkansas. It’s a Victorian resort village, with Victorian style buildings. Seems weirdly out of place in Arkansas.
Took Harrison To Harrison
In one of those idiotic things you do when you’re traveling, you see a sign for Harrison so take your son Harrison there because there’s got to be a “Harrison” sign, surely?!

Harrison in Harrison
Glorious Mountain View
Mountain View is a small town that lies on Route 66 with the town covering about a half mile section of the road.
Into PJ’s Rainbow Cafe and had chicken burger, toasted ham and cheese with fries and 4 Hot Chocolates – cost was a crazy low $10.
Back onto Highway 14 for around 25 miles through some incredible forest’s that had some ranches scattered along the side of the road which meant that there was a slight increase in traffic but nothing to major.
The forest wasn’t as spectacular as the Ozark’s but it was still gorgeous and the fact that we were now following a valley meant that we were surrounded by mountains.
Heading For Batesville
The scenery seemed to change rapidly as we approached our destination of Batesville (pop. 9,556), with the sides of the road becoming green fields and large farms which was nothing like anything we had seen all day.
Tried a Ramada this night for $85 for a double.
Then we went off exploring the town till dinner time at an awful BBQ joint and then a late night into bed.
We wanted to be up early the next morning because we were off to see The King!
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