To South Beach, Florida
Before we left Orlanda, Harry did a quick few laps of the car park on Harriet the Harley just so he could say he’d ridden the bike as well.
Harry rides Harriet the Harley
We left Orlando using the GPS which took us out of the main city and into more rural areas. The plan for the day was to go on small country roads and only swap roads twice in the entire day.
We exited the main highway and began following a smaller road called Route 441. The road was pristine and the scenery seemed to have suddenly changed to being lushes green trees and grassland which seemed like a fresh change from the desert we had become so accustomed to.
Through The Everglades
We then began the 220 mile ride to Miami with a 60 mile stretch through grasslands, farms and everglades – we had Adele to keep us company. We had our music up loud and were beginning to get the miles under our belt without much effort.
We reached Lake Okeechobee and followed it around passing through Everglades and a lot of rivers that fed into it and ran along beside it. There were the occasional house beside the lake but they seemed to have been badly damaged by flooding.
From Harry’s Journal:
“….after 10 miles dad thought he saw a sign……..and in a moment off madness he turned of the highway and into the unforgiving streets of Miami’s outer suburbs. It was chaos.
We did a few loops while trying to relocate the highway but we were unsuccessful. I then came up withy the genius idea of actually following the GPS this time.
So I grabbed it out and within 5 minutes we were back on the highway and heading into Miami.”
Pointed To South Beach
We lobbed up at the Berkley Shore Hotel (not the greatest hotel in the world).

The Berkeley Shore Hotel
Berkeley Shore Room
Being a huge soccer fan meant that Harry dumped the bags in the room and we went to the neartest pub showing the Barcelona vs. Real Madrid game.
A 3-1 win to Barcelona meant Harry was a happy lad.
We then started exploring South Beach on foot – it’s a massive tourist destination set up to cater for a heapo of tourists. We also booked in for an Evergloades Tour and tour of Miami on bus and boat the next day.
Dinner was at ‘Nexxt Café’ and then we crashed into bed at about midnight.
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