The Riders
We’re a father and son from the Gold Coast, Australia. My wife and I do a fair bit with our kids – you can read more here and here – and I suggested to the then 16 yo Harry that we should ride a motorbike across the USA.
In a surprise to no-one he was very keen – not that hard to convince a 16 yo boy to go on a month long motorbike trip across the USA on a Harley with his dad!
Harry Sinclair – 17 yo
Harry finished High School at the end of 2011.
I (Brendon) did a ride across Australia (3,000 miles/4,500 kms) on pushbikes with my eldest son Jack when he was 15 yo, 3 years ago.
Harry’s a bit smarter than Jack – when he goes across a country, he wants a motor involved!
Hard to believe ladies, but he’s single!

Harry with Harriet the Harley in Colorado
Brendon Sinclair
I’m a 45 yo guy from Australia (originally from Tasmania, lately of Queensland).
I have a few different business interests and am lucky enough to be able to have a bit of time off when I want it.

Brendon in New Zealand with a Suzuki V Strom
I’d never ridden until 3 years ago when a mate suggested we ride around Tasmania for 10 or so days.
Since then we’ve ridden around Tasmania and both the north and south (breathtakingly beautiful) islands of New Zealand.
At home I have a little 250cc Honda, a 650 cc Suzuki V Strom, a Kawasaki KLR 650cc a wife, 3 kids and a pushbike – not in order of importance. ;o)